A Little Life Update

Hello, my lovely readers.

Going back to writing after almost three years of silence is intimidating, to say the least. Every time I thought about writing, there was one thought buzzing through my head: Does anyone even care to read what I have to say?

And each time, I would be reminded that this tiny website of mine was still relevant and useful to you. Despite the lack of updated posts, my blog continued to have a regular flow of readers and I kept receiving emails saying how my posts have helped you plan your travels to Japan and elsewhere. Every single one of these messages has made me so proud and infinitely grateful, but also sad and guilty because I have abamndoned one of the biggest and greatest endeavors of my life – something that I worked so hard to build from scratch. But, I have come to realize that while my writing was dimmed and strained by the heft of my everyday life in Washington, D.C., it was just a phase and a pause, not the end.

All of this is to say that I am finally ready to come back to this space and resume what has always brought so much joy to my soul – writing. I’m determined to continue contributing to this space with the hopes that what I have to share will continue to inspire, inform and help with your travel planning.

I have a laundry list of travel stories I’d like to share with you, but before we move to all that, let me share with you two important life updates:

I’m a mom!

I gave birth to a baby boy in October 2022. The miracle of growing a human inside me, of giving birth and holding my son in my arms has been the biggest gift the universe has given me.

Being a mom has also been the hardest, most terrifying, and exhausting experience of my life, and not a day passes without me learning something new. I quickly learned that the love you feel as a parent cannot compare to anything. Every day I marvel at the strength this love gives me to tackle anything and everything. He is 18 months old now – your typical busy toddler with the cheekiest personality and the most dazzling blue eyes. Watching him observe and study the world around him, be amazed at the simplest things, and be amused by the silliest of games is teaching me to slow down and appreciate simple, everyday moments. He has also started to give us hugs and kisses and it is the best thing in the world.

We moved to Germany!

Life has proved to me yet again never to say never. We were so determined to stay put in Washington, D.C., but a dream of living in Europe still lingered on, and around this time last year Justin got a great job opportunity in Stuttgart, Germany. Was it a mildly crazy decision to quit a successful career (mine) and move across the pond with a baby in tow? Maybe. But we didn’t want the “what if” thought taunt our hearts for the rest of our lives. So, we decided to just go for it and embrace this adventure. I’ll share a more detailed and candid post about the pros and cons of moving to Germany, but, for now, there are two things I love about living here: 1. Germany is one of the most family-friendly countries in the world, creating a very safe and comfortable environment for raising little ones. 2. We live south of Germany, just a handful of hours away from France, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, and the Czech Republic, not to mention countless beautiful German towns and cities in this region.

Needless to say, I have a lot of information to share and I hope this website will continue to be a useful resource for you all. I’ll continue sharing city guides and travel tips but also show you more behind-the-scenes of an expat life.

If you are still here and reading this, say hi, don’t be shy! I value each and every one of you!

Stay inspired, my beautiful friends!

xoxo, nano

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